
Staff Profile

Kelly Davis

Kelly Davis Profile

Senior Director of Development, UT Health Science Center

My position includes

Fundraising for the UTHSC College of Medicine and promoting the amazing and impactful work done by our students, faculty and staff.

To understand what I do, you must understand

The UTHSC College of Medicine significantly impacts the health of every Tennessean and many others across the country. The COM educates almost 40 percent of physicians in Tennessee, and when including residents and fellows who train in COM programs across the state, that number approaches 60 percent. If you see a doctor anywhere in Tennessee, there is a strong likelihood they are connected to the UTHSC COM. That reach grows in multiples when taking into account the research, clinical trials and community service initiatives led by our faculty.

My favorite part of my job is

I have to say two parts – 1) interacting with our ridiculously smart and accomplished medical students. They are awesome, and a 22-year-old can sure make you feel like you haven’t done anything in life! 2) getting to play a small role in improving the health and well-being of countless members in our communities.

As a kid I wanted to be

A professional baseball player.

If I was gifted with a secret power, it would be

Hmm – maybe to be able to travel to any place in the world instantly.

My bucket list includes

Traveling with my family to places like Italy, Spain, France or tropical locations.

My personal motto is

Be kind and treat others as you would like to be treated. I’m far from perfect at it, but working on it.

My theme song is

I can’t think of a theme song, so I’ll go with a favorite right now – Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers’ “Islands in the Stream.” Mainly, my daughter loves Dolly and sings it all the time, so it has to be my favorite too… Sterling’s version even more than theirs.

Few know that I

Played baseball at UT Martin – my first real encounter with UT and fellow DO Jonathan Spiceland.

The best piece of advice I ever received was

Lots of advice from my grandfather, one of my favorite people. I’ll go with there is no substitute for hard work or treat others as you would want to be treated.

I start each morning with

I try to start with quiet time, reading and prayer. My days are so much better when I am able to start that way.