
Staff Profile

Mike McCay

Mike McCay

Assistant Vice President for Alumni Affairs and Advocacy, Central

My position includes

Our team covers a number of areas, but a few key areas are:

  • Growing our Advocacy Network in partnership with the Alumni Legislative Council and UT Government Relations team.
  • Working with our UTAA Board of Governors. This board includes alumni leaders and volunteers across the UT System.
  • We are in the process of reviewing our Director of Alumni Career Services position, and we hope to have that posted in the near future.
  • Expand our alumni tour program and look at new opportunities to incorporate virtual learning experiences in partnership with our campuses and faculty
  • Grow our system-wide sponsorship and benefits opportunities
  • Drive alumni engagement through our various programs and services

To understand what I do, you must understand

…that we are looking to align our vision, mission and values with the University of Tennessee System and the campuses.  We feel that our collective efforts enhance our student and alumni experiences.  It’s an exciting time, and we look forward to working with you!

My favorite part of my job is

I really enjoy being able to experience the different traditions and cultures on our UT campuses.  You really see that the University of Tennessee System is special place!

As a kid I wanted to be

A veterinarian…until my mom setup a job shadow opportunity with a local veterinarian. Let’s just say I didn’t eat the rest of the week, and I scratched veterinarian off my list!

If I was gifted with a secret power, it would be

This one is easy…the ability to stop my kids from complaining.

My bucket list includes

I would love to rent an RV and drive across the country and visit the National Parks.  Having lived in various parts of the country, I’ve learned we have hidden gems in every state.  One of my favorites is Crystal River in Florida.

My personal motto is

Borrowed from one of my mentors: There are two things you can always control 1) Your attitude 2) Your work ethic.

My theme song is

Three Little Birds by Bob Marley.  I’ve learned that life will throw you a few curve balls, and this song is always a good listen during good, and not so good, times.

Singing’ don’t worry ’bout a thing
‘Cause every little thing gonna be alright

Few know that I

…pride myself as a master Disney World planner.  There are a few hardcore Disney folks that have visited all four Disney World parks in one day, and then hopped a flight to California to visit Disney Land…all in 24 hours.  I’ve got 2 of my 3 family members on board for this adventure, but need to work on mom!

The best piece of advice I ever received was

Don’t be “all hat and no cattle.”

I start each morning with

a cup of coffee. I will always remember having my first cup of coffee at the University of Tennessee new staff orientation session on February 24th, 2003. It changed my life forever.