
Staff Profile

Neil Farrell

Neil Farrell

Associate Director of the Mocs Club, Chattanooga

My position includes

Cultivating relationships with alumni, parents, fans and the Chattanooga community in order to support our over 300 Moc student-athletes.

To understand what I do, you must understand

The Mocs Club is a community of supporters who have chosen to invest in Chattanooga student-athletes. Our mission is to provide the best student-athlete experience in the Southern Conference. Every day we work hard to fund raise scholarship support so that we can provide our student-athletes with the resources they need to be successful on the field of play, in the classroom and in the community once they graduate from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.

My favorite part of my job is

Getting out into the community and meeting with our fantastic donors and supporters.

As a kid I wanted to be

A NBA player.

If I was gifted with a secret power, it would be

The ability to fly.

My bucket list includes

Hiking in as many National Parks as possible, especially ones out west like Glacier, Yellowstone and Yosemite.

My personal motto is

Chance favors the aggressor.

My theme song is

“What More Can I Say” by Jay Z

Few know that I

Worked on the Buffalo Bills sideline throughout high school serving as a Field Print Runner.

The best piece of advice I ever received was

Treat others how you wish to be treated first and foremost and try to remain intellectually curious throughout life.

I start each morning with

A cup of coffee while listening to a podcast.