
Staff Profile

Ronni Williams

Ronni Williams

Talent & Diversity Manager, UT Knoxville

My position includes

providing educational opportunities for diversity, equity and inclusion for our staff; oversight of our Diversity Action Plan; partnering with UTFI HR for onboarding practices and employee retention; engaging our staff in professional development and growth opportunities; and supporting the Foundation with diversity and hiring initiatives.

To understand what I do, you must understand

the importance and value of all identities and lived experiences. We must also be aware that diversity, equity and inclusion is a lifelong learning process that is a journey, not a destination.

My favorite part of my job is

learning what sparks joy and fulfillment in my colleagues and providing tools for growth both professionally and in becoming more multiculturally competent.

As a kid I wanted to be

a marine biologist! Sharks are my favorite animal.

If I was gifted with a secret power, it would be

reading minds.

My bucket list includes

cage diving with sharks, traveling the world and learning to skateboard and surf.

My personal motto is

“it is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities” – Albus Dumbledore

My theme song is

something that changes daily! Right now, anything Beyonce, Lizzo, Lil Nas X or Space Jam by Quad City DJ’s.

Few know that I

was the youngest person to join a swim team in the state of Ohio in 1993.

The best piece of advice I ever received was

the most important project you will ever work on is yourself.

I start each morning with

iced coffee, hip-hop and a cup of ambition.