
Staff Profile

Gerrica Caldwell

Gerrica Caldwell

Assistant Director of Talent Management

My position includes

managing the recruitment and employee life cycle in the talent management office which includes onboarding and daily operational tasks.

To understand what I do, you must understand

how to manage people, trends/resources industry wide and ethical practice.

My favorite part of my job is

working with genuine and caring team members every day.

As a kid I wanted to be

a forensic scientist.

If I was gifted with a secret power, it would be

the ability to teleport.

My bucket list includes

going “glamping” in the winter in a tiny home or treehouse.

My personal motto is

everything happens for a reason.

My theme song is

Run the World (Girls) by Beyonce

Few know that I

taught myself how to write with my left hand.

The best piece of advice I ever received was

live in the moment because tomorrow isn’t always promised.

I start each morning with

coffee and music.