
Endowment Level Gift

Endowments guarantee enduring support towards scholarships, research programs, colleges, schools, departments and more, as well as core support to the mission of the University of Tennessee.


An endowment creates a perpetual source of funding, and is a powerful way to support students, faculty and programs. Endowment donations are invested and utilize the earnings to support the area you designate in perpetuity.


Endowments can be created with gifts of cash, securities and other assets, and minimum amounts can be pledged over a number of years. You can add to your endowment, beyond the initial funding level, through lifetime gifts, bequests and beneficiary designations through life insurance or retirement plans.

Endowment Requirements

The minimum gift levels required to establish endowment funds are:

Undergraduate Scholarship: $25,000
Graduate Fellowship: $250,000
Professorship: $500,000
Chair: $1,000,000

Gifts to an endowment are immediately invested in the University of Tennessee Consolidated Investment Pool. The year-to-year change in the value of an individual endowment fund is affected by several factors, including the amount and timing of additional gifts to the fund, market gains and losses, and the amount of disbursements to support the fund’s designated programs.

The fund’s principal remains intact, with a predetermined portion of the income earned used to support your designation. Any remaining earnings are reinvested to continue generating growth of your endowment. Restricted funds are managed at the campus level.


Number of Endowments

as of 06/30/23

2023 — $1,167,974,778

2022 — $1,111,857,964

2021 — $1,018,141,494

Book Value of Endowments

Consolidated investment pool market value:
As of 6/30/2023

Connect with UT Foundation Development Officers

UT Chattanooga
(423) 425-4232

UT Health Science Center
(901) 448-5516

UT Knoxville
(865) 974-3011

UT Martin
(731) 881-7610

UT Southern
(931) 363-9825

UT Institute of Agriculture
(865) 974-5779

UT Institute of Public Service
(865) 974-9609