
Staff Profile

Edna Luna

Edna Luna

Associate Vice Chancellor for Advancement Services, UT Southern

My position includes

Planned giving, alumni engagement, annual giving, stewardship and so much more.

To understand what I do, you must understand

Philanthropy at its best— giving back and paying it forward— no matter the amount, and paving the way for tomorrow’s leaders, our students.

My favorite part of my job is

Meeting people who share a conviction in discovering ways to make a difference in the world, whether through giving financially and/or volunteering, especially in higher education and our great state of Tennessee. Every day matters.

As a kid I wanted to be

A police officer. (When my daughters read this, they are going to roll on the floor laughing!)

If I was gifted with a secret power, it would be

The ability to read a person’s mind so I could recognize their passions and/or wounds in order to bond with them better.

My bucket list includes

Jumping from an airplane, traveling to London with my oldest granddaughter and traveling the states.

My personal motto is

Always do your best, go above and beyond, step outside your comfort zone, and more importantly, respect others.

My theme song is

“Lean on Me”

Few know that I

Am very competitive. I love walking, arts and quilting. I have also completed a warrior dash.

The best piece of advice I ever received was

Be yourself, treat others with respect and rise to the occasion.

I start each morning with

Prayer and then a good cup of coffee.