
News from The Foundation

UT Foundation Second Largest Fundraising Year in UT System History

The University of Tennessee Foundation has once again broken records, generating its second-highest fundraising totals in UT System history during the 2022-2023 fiscal year. The UT Foundation received over $342.4 million in commitments from 86,591 donors, representing the largest number of donors in UT history. The Foundation increased their number of donors by over 11,000, surpassing their previous record-breaking year from 2022. 

“Alumni and donors throughout the UT System have a passion and commitment to our campuses that is unwavering,” said UTFI President Kerry Witcher. “Their generosity changes lives for not only students and faculty, but the citizens of Tennessee and beyond.

In addition to fundraising, the Foundation connects alumni with their campus through a variety of engagement opportunities. In fiscal year 2023, alumni engagement hit a new record with 275,210 alumni connecting with the university. The Advocacy Network grew to 8,796 with the addition of 653 new members.

This was a record-breaking year for UT Knoxville, as they surpassed their previous record year in 2022. At UT Martin, the RISE fundraising campaign met its goal of $175 million ahead of schedule, and became the greatest fundraising endeavor in the university’s 123-year history. Each campus across the system saw an increase in the number of donors, reflecting the steadfast commitment to building the greatest decade in UT history.  Additionally, each campus hosted days of giving campaigns throughout the year which collectively raised $5.1 million.

“Our stakeholders continue to hold UT, its campuses and institutes in the highest regard,” UT System President Randy Boyd said.  “Year after year we continue to break records across the board, and I remain humbled by the generosity from our faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends.”

Giving totals are a compilation of gifts from each campus and institute. Individually, UT Chattanooga exceeded $14 million, UT Health Science Center, $29.7 million, UT Knoxville surpassed $264 million, UT Institute of Agriculture $11.6 million, UT Martin $17.4 million and UT Southern $2.9 million.

The Foundation’s mission is to raise financial, public and political support for the University of Tennessee. A nonprofit corporation, the Foundation helps meet the needs of the University by augmenting state and institutional funds, and enriching the lives of students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends.

For more information about the UT Foundation, visit