Last Updated: July 17,2020
1. Fundraising
Enhance philanthropic support to the University for University of Tennessee students, faculty and core institutional priorities on an annual basis.
Progress Toward 2020 Goals
A. Integrate fundraising into each campus strategic plan (i.e. endowments, cash, deferred)
- Benchmark: Three of the five campus units have fundraising tied to strategic plans
- Target 2020: All five of the campus units to have fundraising initiatives in their strategic plans
- Status: Complete
B. Maximize fundraising in two major areas:
Annual Giving
- Benchmark: $9,623,893
- 2020 Goal: $10,105,085
- Final: $13,241,740
Total Gifts (excludes episodic gifts)
- Benchmark: $197,880,140
- 2020 Goal: $207,774,147
- Stretch Goal 2020: $243,631,000
- Final: $196,463,340
Total Number of Donors
- Benchmark: 63,072
- 2020 Goal: 66,365
- Final: 67,281
Donor Retention
- Benchmark: 64%
- 2020 Goal: 65%
- Final: 64%
2. Engagement
Broaden and deepen constituent engagement with the University, developing more meaningful relationships with the University of Tennessee alumni, friends, and students.
Progress Toward 2020 Goals
A. Increase the percentage of volunteer leaders who are contributors
- Benchmark: 83%
- 2020 Goal: 90%
- Final: 61%
B. Increase the number of engaged alumni
- Benchmark: 203,617
- 2020 Goal: 210,740
- Final: 222,230
C. Increase the number of submitted proposals to corporations and foundations
- Benchmark: 350
- 2020 Goal: 350
- Final: 235
3. Advocacy
Increase awareness of and advocacy for the University, to advance the UT System’s stature as a “best in class” system dedicated to its purpose to “Educate, Discover and Connect.”
Progress Toward 2020 Goals
A. Increase number of leaders/members in the Advocacy Network
- Benchmark: 6,200 members
- 2020 Goal: 450 new members
- Final: 634 new members
B. Expand the number of legislative advocates who have completed the legislative advocacy survey regarding legislative connections & relationships
- Benchmark: 147
- 2020 Goal: 153 New Participants
- Final: 93
C. Increase the percentage of alumni who receive positive UT messages via email.
Rate of alumni who open at least two emails
- Benchmark: 34.4%
- 2020 Goal: 36.1%
- Final: 36.3%
Rate of alumni who click on at least two emails
- Benchmark: 6.5%
- 2020 Goal: 6.8%
- Status: 8.1%
4. Efficiency
Build higher education’s top performing advancement organization with first-rate talent, integrated infrastructure and a highly collaborative culture.
Progress Toward 2020 Goals
A. Recruit, retain and cultivate a diverse and talented workforce.
Staff recruitment
- Benchmark: 51 days (formula: time to fill a position)
- 2020 Goal: 45 days
- Final: 77 days (42 searches in FY20, with 30 filled)
Staff retention
- Benchmark: 86%
- 2020 Goal: 90%
- Final: 89%
B. Continually enhance alumni and development data ecosystem.
- Benchmark: Identify data points important to each unit that focuses on their fundraising, alumni, and constituent engagement priorities.
- Target 2020: Once identified, implement solutions to support these priorities.
- Status: In Progress
C. Increase UTFI Board engagement.
Utilize evaluations after board meetings to gauge the effectiveness of each meeting and utilize a full survey involving each board member to evaluate the board’s accomplishments, approach and engagement.
- Benchmark: 66%
- 2020 Goal: 90% participation and 90% approval rating for effectiveness
- Final: 94%
Participation in the Advocacy Network (as appropriate for members of the UTFI BOD).
- Benchmark: 85%
- 2020 Goal: 100% Participation
- Status: In Progress
D. Increase financial independence for the organization within the legal structure of UTFI.
- Benchmark: 61% funding from campuses via direct support
- 2020 Goal: 60% funding from campuses via direct support
- Status: In Progress (final number will be available in August)
E. Continually enhance services/business processes in order to achieve optimal efficiency, transparency, timeliness and accuracy.
- Benchmark: Identify essential services per unit that needs to be offered and existing services that need to be improved.
- 2020 Goal: Review and update policies and procedures to implement solutions to support these priorities.
- Status: In Progress