
Staff Profile

John Young

John Young

Director of Alumni Chapters, Knoxville

A native of Richmond, Virginia, John is a Vol for Life. After graduating from UT Knoxville’s College of Arts and Sciences in 2009, John immediately became engaged in young alumni programming, and now he continues to spread his Big Orange passion by connecting young alumni to UT and each other. His downtime is marked by Buddy, his yellow lab/hound mix, running, playing tennis and attending sporting events.

When I grew up I wanted to be . . .

a professional tennis player or a world class chef.

If I was gifted with a secret power it would be . . .

to see into the future. It would be nice to be able to create systems and processes to solve the world’s problems before they become problems.

My job is . . .

to provide volunteer alumni leaders with the resources and support necessary to ensure effective programming focused on advancing the university.

To understand what I do, you must understand . . .

the importance of relationships.

I advance the mission of the university by . . .

creating strategic opportunities for alumni to be involved in alumni student recruitment, university programming and philanthropy nationwide.

My life mantra is . . .

“Work hard and serve others.”

My theme song is . . .

“Morning Light” by The Dirty Guv’nahs.

I learned the meaning of giving from . . .

my high school. At St. Christopher’s School there is a great culture of service to others and philanthropy. I am grateful that those values were instilled in me at a young age.