UT Foundation Policies
10.1.6 Lists and Segments Manager
EFFECTIVE: 10/26/2018 · REVISED: 5/18/2022
Audience: Lists and Segments Admin
General Purpose
Before an email list is available to add to an email draft, it must be added to the Lists and Segments Manager.
Log into Encompass at your site below. If you’re unsure of the email address associated with your login, email [email protected].
alumni.tennessee.edu/loginalumni.utc.edu/loginalumni.utk.edu/loginalumni.utsouthern.edu/login | advanceutia.tennessee.edu/loginalumni.uthsc.edu/loginalumni.utm.edu/login |
Hover over Email on the top menu and select Lists and Segments.
Add a List
A file that contain email addresses and first and last names for non-alumni recipients. The Online Engagement Team routinely delete lists once they’re no longer in use. Do not delete.
- Click Add List.
- Upload a CSV file (15 MB or less) with the required columns in order: Email, First Name, Last Name.
- Once a file has been uploaded, the Estimated Recipient Count will sum the successful rows. Missing or invalid emails will be excluded from the count. Note: You will receive an error message if there are duplicate email addresses.
- List Name – Use the following naming convention: zz – Email Name nonalumni
- List Description – Note when the list can be deleted with your initials, like “delete after 1/1/19 khb”
- Click Save.
Add a Custom List
A file that contains email addresses and first and last names for lists that will be frequently reused ie. internal staff lists, etc.
- Click Add List.
- Upload a CSV file (15 MB or less) with the required columns in order: Email, First Name, Last Name.
- Once a file has been uploaded, the Estimated Recipient Count will sum the successful rows. Missing or invalid emails will be excluded from the count. Note: You will receive an error message if there are duplicate email addresses.
- List Name – Use the following naming convention: yy – List Name MMDDYY
- List Description – Note “updated by initials”
- Click Save.
Add a Merge Field List
Using an email list with merge fields allows you to tokenize custom email content per individual email recipient. The tokenized data is driven by additional columns on the email list. Merge Field Lists can be used for alumni and non-alumni recipients.
The system will attempt to match the email address to an existing record at the time of email send. If no match is found, a new non-member record is created. If the system matches to an existing record, token population will be driven off of the data in Email List (Merge Fields) file. No data will be overwritten in the constituent record.
Note: To create merge fields in Excel, start with columns Email, First Name, Last Name. Continue to add columns of data with custom column headers (no ##). Column headers are case sensitive. We suggest using lower case words with no spaces because there’s less room for error (Examples: donorname, bogcollege, scholar1). We recommend 15 or fewer columns. Data must be present for every individual since this is the only data source being used. Delete all duplicate email addresses before uploading the file otherwise you will receive an error message.
- Click Add List.
- Select Email List (Merge Fields).
- Upload a CSV file (15 MB or less) with the required columns in order: Email, First Name, Last Name.
- List Name – Use the following naming convention: zz – Email Name tokenname*
- List Description – Note when the list can be deleted with your initials, like “delete after 1/1/19 khb”
- Click Save.
- Once a file has been uploaded, the Estimated Recipient Count will sum the successful rows. Missing or invalid emails will be excluded from the count.
- A list of tokenized names will display below. You can copy and paste the tokens into an email.
- Click Save.
*Tip: Including the token name in the list name is not required but it is a quick way to confirm that the correct token is used in the body of the email.
Updating a List
An email list may not be deleted or edited from the Lists and Segments Manager once it is attached to an email in drafts or in the queue. If you need to update a list, detach the original list from the email, edit the list by replacing the file, and save.
- Navigate to Lists and Segments Manager under the Email Menu
- Use the search bar to find list
- Click the gear icon and select Edit List
- Under Replace File, upload updated CSV file
- If replacing a custom yy list, change the date in the list name to indicate last update
- Click Save