UT Foundation Policies
10.3.3 URL Customizations
EFFECTIVE: 10/26/2018 · REVISED: 5/18/2022
Customizations can be combined and listed in any order at the end of the giving form URL. Questions? Contact [email protected].
Common Customizations
Editable list of single or multiple designations
- &dids=x
- &dids=x.x.x
Uneditable designation(s)
- &bledit=1
- Locks the “edit” link to the pop-up box of designations and shows a non-editable list of pre-selected designations.
- Note: If a designation exists in Encompass but has not been added to the designation set, include &bledit=1 to force the pre-population of the fund on the giving form. It will not appear otherwise.
Custom sort order
- &sort=1
- By default, designations are displayed in alphabetical order.
- To control the sort order, enter &dids= followed by the designation IDs entered in the order you wish them to appear.
- Then add &sort=1.
Preset Designations Anchor Jump
- &pdid=xxxx
- Once a donor clicks to expand the collection pop-up, they will automatically be scrolled down to the selected set.
- Enter the query string anchor value of the set in your collections. This can be found on the admin view of a designation collection.
Pre-populate giving amount
- &amount=x
- Includes a giving amount that will populate in the Total Gift Amount box. Donor can change the amount.
Appeal codes
- &appealcode=xxxxxxxxx
- Can be used in conjunction with any of the above.
- The appeal code will show in reporting and at the bottom of the Admin Confirmation email.
Source codes
- &src=
- There are a few forms that require &source= (If you have any questions, ask [email protected])
- Common sources: email (=em;) short URL (=shrturl); Give to UT links for colleges/dept/centers (=webutkclg); personal fundraising pages (=webprsnl)
Payment Type
*these are case sensitive
Give Now as the only option
- &paymenttype=nowonly
- Donors won’t see any of the other payment options (scheduled payments or perpetual giving if available). The donor can only make a one-time gift.
Scheduled Payments as the only option
- &paymenttype=scheduledonly
- Donors won’t see any of the other payment options (give now or perpetual giving if available). The donor can only make a scheduled/recurring gift. The checkbox will be checked and grayed out so the donor can’t modify it. Donors will be able to set up the recurring payment schedule that works for them.
Scheduled Payments as the default option
- &paymenttype=scheduled
- Scheduled payments will be selected and opened by default. Donors can leave it as the default option and set up a recurring gift or they can make a different selection.
Perpetual Giving as the only option
- &paymenttype=perpetualonly
- Donors won’t see any of the other payment options (give now or scheduled payments if available). The donor can only make a perpetual gift. The checkbox will be checked and grayed out so the donor can’t modify it. Donors will be able to set up the perpetual gift that works for them.
Perpetual Giving as the default option
- &paymenttype=perpetual
- Perpetual giving will be selected and opened by default. Donors can leave it as the default option and set up a perpetual gift or they can make a different selection.