

Fiscal Year 2025 Goal Submission

Thank you to all UT Foundation staff for a historic year of exceptional fundraising, public and political support provided to the University of Tennessee. Campus goals have been set for fiscal year 2025, and the deadline for individual goals to be entered is September 16, 2024.

Please review the information below to ensure that your goals for fiscal year 2025 meet requirements for incentive compensation, and that they are entered correctly.


  • September 16, 2024 – Incentive compensation goals must be submitted via the Goal Submission Form. Goals are encouraged to be submitted as soon as available for early review.
  • September 30, 2024 – UTFI Talent Management will complete the review processes for all submissions by September 30. Employees will receive an email communication once endorsed to proceed.
  • October 1, 2024 – After endorsement review from UTFI Talent Management, incentive compensation goals and position/professional goals must be submitted in Sprigg.

Position Types:

When setting goals for FY25, you will note the position types have been enhanced. The following position types are reflected in the goal submission form:

  • Major Gift Officers: Dedicated to major gift solicitations whose incentive performance is recognized by metrics of visits, proposals delivered and dollars raised.
  • Exempt Advancement Officer or Support: Dedicated to exempt staff supporting advancement responsibilities other than direct major gift solicitations recognized by qualitative and/or quantitative goals.
  • Non-exempt Advancement Support: Dedicated to non-exempt staff supporting advancement areas recognized by qualitative and/or quantitative goals.

For more information on determining position type, please visit Incentive Compensation – UTFI.

Goal Weights:

Goals for advancement officers and exempt/non-exempt professional support positions require an assigned weight percentage, which must total 100%. Before you enter incentive compensation goals, please decide on weight percentages to ensure they total to 100%. The weighted goals for major gift officers are pre-determined.

Once you receive review endorsement from UTFI Talent Management, you may proceed to enter goals in Sprigg. Please use the table below to determine weights.

 Development OfficerAdvancement OfficerProfessional Support -Exempt and Non-Exempt
Individual Goals Weight 10 of 10Visits, proposals delivered, dollars raisedQualitative and quantitative goals identified by supervisorQualitative and quantitative goals identified by supervisor
Team Goals Weight 7 of 10Dollars raised, cash received, number of donorsAlumni engagement and/or program developmentUnit goals identified by unit lead
Professional Development*Training, certifications, continuing education
*Weight determined between supervisor and employee and can be lower than 7. While not a part of the incentive payout, it can still be considered in overall performance. 

As a reminder, incentive compensation goals must be submitted into the Goal Submission Form by September 16, 2024.

We appreciate your support, time and patience as we continue to evolve our processes. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].