

10.3.1 Donations Reporting

EFFECTIVE: 10/26/2018 · REVISED: 5/18/2022

Audience: Campaigns Admin, Campaigns Reporting Admin
  Related: Encompass Support Documentation

General Purpose

Donation reporting allows admins to obtain a list of anyone who has donated/purchased anything for any online campaign (“giving form”) within the date range. Name, ID, Campaign,  Amount, and Billing Information are included by default.


Log into Encompass at your site below. If you’re unsure of the email address associated with your login, email [email protected].

Reporting for a Specific Campaign

  1. Hover over Donations on the top menu and select  Donations Home.
  2. Click the Excel icon next to the Campaign for which you want to pull reporting information.
  3. Choose Run the Report Immediately. You will then need to make a choice between the following options.
  • Include all members who submitted this form.
  • Include all members who submitted this form between [start date] and [end date].

We typically leave all other check boxes as they are and click Next.

  • Include incomplete e-commerce transactions: Select this option to include any purchases that were started but not completed by the user.  You can use this information to follow-up with the user or research issues with your form.
  • Customize query: Indicate here if you would like to use the Data Viewer to further refine your report based on member data fields. Use this option to refine a particular report to include only certain types of members, or members from a particular region, etc.
  • Include Voided Transactions: This option is checked by default. The report will show all transactions, including all fully-adjusted (voided) commerce items.  Uncheck the box to exclude voided transactions from the report.
  • Reporting Filters:  There are additional filters that can be applied such as by Level or Amount. If you want to apply additional filters, select them here.

3. On Select Fields screen, leave all fields selected. This gives you all information collected on the form. Click Next.

4. On Sort/Save Export Fields List, if you’ve left all fields selected, there’s no reason to save the export fields list. Leave the default selection. Click Next.

5. On Preview screen, click Next.

6. If your campaign contains Designations you will have two files available to download. By default, it will export to Excel as a CSV file.

  • Download Export File – this the normal Campaign report.
  • Download Designations File – this file will contain only the Designations information. Each Designation will have its own row of data and will correlate to one row of data in the Campaign report file.

There are other options shown on the screen as well.

  • I do not want to Save this Export
  • Save this Export for Future Use – You can save and schedule the report to be pulled and sent to you at regular intervals. With a scheduled report, you can set up who will receive the email notification so the report can be downloaded. As a best practice, you should set an End Date for the scheduled report for a single Campaign so that it does not continue to run after the Campaign has ended.
    • Data Output – select either:
      • All Available Data – Produces a cumulative report that includes all data requested in the query, across the lifespan of the form, event, or campaign.
      • Data Updated Since Last Run – The report will export data per the configured query from the last time the report was run. For example, a weekly report will only show you the data updated within the last week.

Reporting for All Campaigns – Giving Transaction Report

This export will pull in giving transactions across all active campaigns for a defined date range. It does not include offline transactions. The export consolidates both the gift and designation information in one report.

Related video: OE Video Tutorial (password: iModsUTFI)
Related video: Encompass Video Tutorial

  1. On the top gray toolbar, hover over Donations and under Report click Giving Transaction Exports.
  2. Click the gear icon beside XXX reconciliation and select Run Export.
  3. Select Filter data based on when users submitted the form and select the desired time frame. (If you want to do an all-time report, enter a start date of 1/1/11.)
  4. Click Download Export File.

If gifts to multiple designations are made in a single transaction, each gift is outlined on a separate row with the column headers below. Note that the Transaction ID is the same for each. 

  • Order Total = amount drafted today  
  • Donation Amount = amount available for allocation for all designations  
  • Designation Allocation = amount allocated to each designation 

For a recurring transactions—  

  • Order Total = amount drafted today  
  • Donation Amount = total gift amount to date for allocation for all designations  
  • Designation Allocation = current collected amount allocated to each designation 

Export Columns included and their order:  

Commerce Identifiers, if applicable (unique per client) 

Community Name 

Community ID 

Campaign Name – Giving Form Name 

Campaign ID 

Constituent ID – ANDI ID 

Member ID 

First Name 

Last Name 

Additional Fields defined by each client (unique per GID) 

Order Total 

Transaction ID 

Purchase Date 

Merchant Account Name  

Authorization Code 

Customer Trans Number 

Retrieval Code 

Appeal Code 

Donation Amount 

Designation Name 

Designation ID 

Designation Allocation 

Designation Instructions (Filled In Value) 

Billing Name 

Credit Card Type 

Billing Email 

Billing Phone 

Billing Street 1 

Billing Street 2 

Billing City 

Billing State 

Billing Zip 

Billing Country 

Scheduled Payments Active 

Payment Frequency 

Total Scheduled Amount 

Next Payment Amount 

Next Payment Date 

Payments Remaining 

Payment Type 

Amount to Date 

First Payment Date 

Original Trans ID 

Event Name 

Event ID 

Designation Identifiers (unique per client)