
Brand Guidelines

Jackie Wise
Senior Director of Communications
(865) 974-2575
[email protected]

Alexa Goddard
Assistant Director of Communications
(865) 974-5519
[email protected]

Terry Johnson
Communications Coordinator
(865) 974-3324
[email protected]

Mission, Vision, Objectives

The University of Tennessee Foundation, Inc. is an interdependent nonprofit corporation established in 2001 to support the University of Tennessee System’s education, research and outreach activities. As the preferred channel for all private contributions that benefit students and faculty within the UT System, maintaining a mission-focused, transparent and consistent identity breathes life into our mission and establishes trust with our alumni, donors and friends.

Through our affiliation agreement with the University of Tennessee, UTFI is permitted to use the University name, nicknames and logos in pursuit of our mission. Within the parameters of that permission, all correspondence, solicitations, activities and advertisements concerning the Foundation shall be clearly discernible as being from the Foundation and not the University.

UT Foundation staff, and any third-party utilizing UTFI logo, must adhere to our brand guidelines to maintain compliance with this agreement.


To raise financial, public and political support for the University of Tennessee.


To be recognized as one of the top performing advancement organizations affiliated with any university system in higher education.


Three objectives are at the core of this vision:

  1. Enhance philanthropic support for the University of Tennessee System and its core institutional priorities.
  2. Expand constituent engagement by developing meaningful relationships with University of Tennessee alumni, students and friends.
  3. Build and protect the UT brand dedicated to the mission of Discovery, Education and Connection.