
Brand Guidelines

Visual Style Guidelines

UT Foundation staff, and any third-party utilizing UTFI logo, must adhere to our brand guidelines.
UT Foundation staff, and any third-party utilizing UTFI logo, must adhere to our brand guidelines.


Primary Colors

Color is one of the most recognizable aspects of our brand identity. By longstanding tradition, orange is the color most generally associated with UT and serves as a primary color within UTFI’s color palette. Additional colors within the palette work well as backgrounds and design elements.

UT System Orange
PMS 151
CMYK 0/55/100/0
RGB 255/130/0
HEX #FF8200

UT System Gray
PMS Cool Gray 11
CMYK 0/0/0/85
RGB 75/75/75

UT System Black
PMS Black C
CMYK 0/0/0/100
RGB 0/0/0
HEX #000000

UT System White
CMYK 0/0/0/0
RGB 255/255/255

Secondary Colors (Campus Colors)

The following colors are preferred when representing the five campuses of the UT System.

UT Knoxville

PMS 151
CMYK 0/55/100/0
RGB 255/130/0
HEX #FF8200

UT Chattanooga

PMS 124
CMYK 0/31/90/0
RGB 253/183/54


UT Southern

PMS 186
CMYK 0/92/77/22
RGB 200/16/46
HEX #C8102E

UT Martin

PMS 289
CMYK 100/66/0/76
RGB 11/35/65
HEX #0B2341

UT Health Science Center

PMS 343
CMYK 89/19/72/60
RGB 17/87/64
HEX #115740

Accent Colors

Continuing to tell the richness and complexity of our story, the UT Foundation has adopted deeply saturated hues to add depth and richness to visual communications. These accent colors should be used sparingly and should complement the overall design.

PMS 7713
CMYK 100/33/42/7
RGB 0/123/137
HEX #007B89

PMS 16-0952
CMYK 12/43/100/13
RGB 197/137/33
HEX #C58921

PMS 18-6216
CMYK 69/40/67/21
RGB 82/111/90
HEX #526F5A

PMS 19-2009
CMYK 64/74/43/29
RGB 90/68/90
HEX #5A445A

PMS 19-2045 TCX
CMYK 2/100/19/46
RGB 144/0/73
HEX #900049

Color Distribution

The orange and gray are the primary colors of the UT Foundation and are recognizable for our brand and the UT System. It is recommended that the UT orange make up at least 10 percent of the visual design.

Campus colors should be used proportionally if they are serving as a campus representation. UTFI accent colors should never represent more than 20 percent of the visual design, given their deeply saturated hues.

UT Orange = Always at least 10%
Accent Colors = Never more than 20%

Colors shown here: 10% System Orange, 15% System Gray, 55% System White, 15% Accent Teal (at 60%), and 5% Accent Jade.

UT Orange = Always at least 10%
Accent Colors = Never more than 20%

Colors shown here: 20% System Orange, 45% System White, 39% Campus Navy, and 1% Accent Rubellite.

UT Orange = Always at least 10%
Accent Colors = Never more than 20%

Colors shown here: 5% System Orange, 10% System Gray, 60% System White, 25% Campus Colors (each at 5%). 

Logos & Graphic Elements

Primary Logo

The UT Foundation primary logo creates visual recognition of the organization and serves as the baseline of our identity. The use of the icon helps leverage our connection with the University of Tennessee, while the Foundation identifier maintains our separation as an organization.

As such, the primary logo is the preferred visual representation of the UT Foundation and should be used whenever possible. The primary logo should never be altered. Never crop, rotate, recolor or stretch the logo.

UT Foundation Logo
UT Foundation Logo Spacing
In order to maintain legibility, the UT Foundation logo should reduce to no smaller than .3125” in height. It should be surrounded on all sides by an amount equal to half the height of the UT icon. These spacing rules apply to all UT Foundation logos.

Campus Identifiers

Within the suite of logos, each campus and institute have the option to utilize the primary logo with an identifier.

The identifier should only be used in instances where the campus or institute is not obvious, and can be used in orange or gray.

For example, an annual giving appeal that utilizes campus marks, colors and photography would use the UTFI primary logo without the identifier. Letterhead or notecards utilizing one logo and limited visual elements could use the identifier to provide their campus or institute affiliation.

UTFI UTIA Campus Identifier
UTFI Martin Campus Identifier
UTFI Health Science Center Campus Identifier

Departmental Identifiers

At times, it is necessary to identify departments within the Foundation. Departmental logos are intended for internal use within UTFI only. Any external communications, including the UT System communities, should use the primary logo.

The visual elements of departmental logos are specifically configured, placed, sized and rendered in a precise relationship. These logos should not be altered, nor should departmental logos be created outside of the UTFI Office of Communications.

UTFI Central Services Logo
UTFI Engagement Center

Logo Extensions

To help manage a visual identity, our core brand is the UTFI primary logo and should be used on the vast majority of communications. Within the Foundation we have core brand extension through programs that advance our mission and align closely with our core brand.

A brand extension may include a program with collaboration throughout multiple campuses and institutes, a high degree of collaboration with external stakeholders, a limited duration project or initiative or a priority that requires flexibility in design and a distinct identity.

Graphic identities for these programs must align with the UT Foundation brand and be approved through the UTFI Office of Communications.

Fund for the Future Logo
Alliance Logo

Graphic Elements

Capturing the brilliance of our alumni, donors and friends, the Foundation ensures that their talents and treasure are used to reveal the true potential for the future of the University of Tennessee.

Telling our story visually incorporates this notion through the geometric facets of a gemstone. The facets add distinction, significance and value by allowing the unique beauty to shine.

When incorporating elements, angular or geometric figures are preferred. Following a principle of simple elegance, our textures are understated. The facets can be used by adding linear elements over a solid color or by using a variety of shades to produce a prismatic effect.

A handful of faceted gemstones have been developed for unique usage and can be used sparingly throughout communications. For example, these graphic elements can be used in part or whole to add character in bullet points, as a watermark within solid areas of color or to enhance the visual flow of the publication.

Faceted Gem
Faceted Gem


Primary Fonts

In maintaining affiliation with the University of Tennessee, our primary typefaces are Gotham and Goudy Old Style. Both typefaces are used on all UT campuses and institutes.


Gotham is a sans serif typeface designed by Tobias Frere-Jones and released in 2000 through H&FJ (now known as Hoefler & Co.)


To raise public, political, and financial support for the University of Tennessee
To raise public, political, and financial support for the University of Tennessee
To raise public, political, and financial support for the University of Tennessee


Goudy Old Style

Goudy Old Style is a serif typeface designed by Frederic Goudy and released through American Type Founders in 1915.

Goudy Old Style

To raise public, political, and financial support for the University of Tennessee
To raise public, political, and financial support for the University of Tennessee
To raise public, political, and financial support for the University of Tennessee


Accent Fonts

Accent fonts can add dynamic emphasis within communications. The following two fonts are specific to UT Foundation and may be used sparingly in communications.


Tenez is a serif typeface that helps communicate professionalism, formality and sophistication. This typeface can create an elegant impact through the contrast of the thin strokes and the black areas left by the serifs.


To raise public, political, and financial support for the University of Tennessee
To raise public, political, and financial support for the University of Tennessee
To raise public, political, and financial support for the University of Tennessee



Alisha a modern free-hand script that conveys elegance, while also providing an inviting touch to communications. When used sparingly as an accent, this font creates a distinct first impression, fostering the initial engagement.


To raise public, political, and financial support for the University of Tennessee
To raise public, political, and financial support for the University of Tennessee
To raise public, political, and financial support for the University of Tennessee
