
Key Dates for ACE Transition

On February 29, ACE will become the source of truth for Foundation data and the driver of our key business processes. (ANDI will remain available as a read-only reference for most users during the transition.) Between now and the end of the month we will also shift the majority of our digital communications efforts from Encompass to WordPress, Blackthorn, Formstack, GiveCampus and Marketing Cloud.

The bulk of ANDI data has already been loaded into the production environment of ACE. However, in order to fully synchronize the systems and to guarantee that the latest data and modifications are in ACE, we will need to pause—for a brief period—all new entries in both systems.

February 1-29
No gifts or pledges will be modified.

February 15-29
No online event registrations will be active as we transition from Encompass to Blackthorn.

February 23
The last day to enter data in ANDI. On Saturday, February 24, editing and creation rights will be revoked for most ANDI users. From February 24-29, no gifts will be processed in ANDI, no demo-bio updates will be made, and no contact reports, assignment requests, proposals or gift agreements will be entered, edited or processed.

February 25-29
No Encompass emails will be sent. No online data collection forms will be active as we transition from Encompass to Formstack.

February 26-28
Websites will transition from Encompass to WordPress. NOTE: There will be an unavoidable interruption of service, as the changes to our DNS settings propagate throughout the internet. It’s impossible to predict exactly how long the downtime will last – it typically ranges from 2 to 6 hours.

February 27-29
Online giving forms will transition from Encompass to GiveCampus.

February 29
ACE users will be notified when they have the all-clear to log in.

March 11-22
Email marketing will transition from Encompass to Marketing Cloud. In order to achieve the highest possible delivery rate for the millions of emails we send each year, we are spending the next month “warming” our new Marketing Cloud IP address.

Additional information about “life after go-live” will be included in ACE 103, as part of the final batch of training. Topics will include support resources and methods for reporting issues.

Need Support?

Questions? Issues? Requests? Please use the ACE Feedback form: 

Office Hours

Have a question regarding ACE? Take advantage of our regular office hours. 


Terri Clark
Zoom Link
Tuesday: 10 – 11 a.m. EDT
Thursday: 2 – 3 p.m. EDT

Darren Hughes
Zoom Link
Wednesday: 10 – 11 a.m. EDT
Friday: 2 – 3 p.m. EDT

Kathy McCoy
Zoom Link
Tuesday: 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. EDT
Thursday: 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. EDT

Katie McMahon
Zoom Link
Thursday: 2 – 4 p.m. EDT

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