
Project Update

Video updated: October 18, 2023 Text updated: October20, 2023

Key Takeways

  1. The official go-live date is February 29, 2024.
  2. We have completed core configuration of ACE.
  3. We are testing gifts and pledges, which is the last and most complex data load.
  4. Several third-party apps are being configured, including Double the Donation (matching gifts), Formstack (electronic gift agreement) and Initium (address verification and NCOA).
  5. Much of our attention right now is focused on completing other key data integrations, including Banner, IRIS, the faculty/staff load, Blackthorn (events) and GiveCampus (online giving). As we build the IRIS integration, we are also preparing for DASH.
  6. The Business Intelligence team is testing more than 30 Salesforce reports and is working with Huron on 10 dashboards. The BI team has completed the integration with Tableau, our new platform for dashboards and complex reporting.
  7. The Digital Strategy and Innovation team is making great progress in our transition from Encompass, configuring GiveCampus, Blackthorn, WordPress (website content) and Experience Cloud (constituent portal).
  8. On October 18, we had the first of 28 scheduled User Acceptance Testing (UAT) sessions, which is an opportunity for subject matter experts outside of the implementation team to get their hands on ACE, perform basic tasks, help identify bugs in the systems and provide feedback. Each session is 90 minutes.
  9. Training will begin in December and will be a top priority for the three months before go-live. The full training plan will be unveiled in early November.
  10. We will soon begin recruiting subject matter experts to discuss how these new tools will reshape UTFI policies and procedures.

Project Timeline

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Office Hours

Have a question regarding ACE? Take advantage of our regular office hours. 


Terri Clark
Zoom Link
Tuesday: 10 – 11 a.m. EDT
Thursday: 2 – 3 p.m. EDT

Darren Hughes
Zoom Link
Wednesday: 10 – 11 a.m. EDT
Friday: 2 – 3 p.m. EDT

Kathy McCoy
Zoom Link
Tuesday: 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. EDT
Thursday: 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. EDT

Katie McMahon
Zoom Link
Thursday: 2 – 4 p.m. EDT

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