

A Team Effort

The ACE implementation is the largest technology project ever undertaken by the UT Foundation. Beginning in late 2020, when we performed a comprehensive needs assessment involving more than 130 key stakeholders, this has been a massive team effort. Every week, dozens of UTFI staff, along with our partners throughout the UT System, discuss strategy, process improvements, system configurations, data integrations and change management.

The ACE implementation has also be driven by the leadership of the UT Foundation Board, who were actively involved with the needs assessment and product evaluation, and who unanimously approved funding for the project.

Steering Committee

A Steering Committee was formed during the needs assessment and led the product evaluation process. They continue to serve in leadership roles by participating in implementation sprints, attending monthly project status calls and acting as on-call subject matter experts.

Project Leaders

  • Michael Carter
  • Darren Hughes
  • Katie McMahon


  • Kate Brimer
  • Steve Catlett
  • Harriet Chambers
  • Ben Chandler
  • Terri Clark
  • Laura Coffey
  • Melanie Edwards
  • Richard Ely
  • Adam Heller
  • Lauren Henry
  • Avery Howard
  • Dana Prince
  • Joel Seaton
  • Chandra Tuggle
  • Erick Weber
  • Jackie Wise

Need Support?

Questions? Issues? Requests? Please use the ACE Feedback form: 

Office Hours

Have a question regarding ACE? Take advantage of our regular office hours. 


Terri Clark
Zoom Link
Tuesday: 10 – 11 a.m. EDT
Thursday: 2 – 3 p.m. EDT

Darren Hughes
Zoom Link
Wednesday: 10 – 11 a.m. EDT
Friday: 2 – 3 p.m. EDT

Kathy McCoy
Zoom Link
Tuesday: 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. EDT
Thursday: 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. EDT

Katie McMahon
Zoom Link
Thursday: 2 – 4 p.m. EDT

Latest Posts

Donor Communication

June 28, 2024 Dear Friend of UT,  Thank you for your generous support of the University of Tennessee. Your contributions are instrumental in advancing UT’s

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ACE Update

July 26, 2024 User Interface Enhancements Dashboards Gift Processing Alumni Engagement Data Scheduled Reports Blackthorn Documentation Pledge Reminders New Graduate Loads Office Hours Have a

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Quick Links

ACE drives the University of Tennessee’s fundraising, constituent engagement and advocacy efforts for the next generation. As more tools are added to the inventory we

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